Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why I Love You

So as you all know, I adore Pinterest and spend probably too much time on it. :)

I've recently been exploring the love and wedding sections... just for tickles and grins. I'm not engaged, or planning on getting engaged, but hey, a girl can dream. What girl HASN'T thought about what dress she wants, or what rings she likes? What girl hasn't contemplated themes or color schemes? And even women who are married can stand to benefit from tips on how to keep love strong. I've always believed love and relationships continually take work; you can't just neglect them and let feelings grow stale. No matter how much you love someone, there is always a chance things could get boring, or one might take something the other does for granted. Sometimes, we forget the little things.

Until I found one pin.

This pin took me to a blog (I wish I could link it... I forgot where it is and didn't think to book mark it, and I can't find the pin, either. :(.) and the blog suggested keeping a running list of Why I Love You's. Every time your significant other does something that prompts you to say "Sweetie, I love you," you're supposed to try to remember it and write it down. For me, this is most easily done via a document on my desk top. Other might find a diary is the best place, or a sticky note, or a memo on their smart phone to be the best method. Well, good for you.

Anyway, the point is to keep this list, and keep adding to it whenever you think to. Add everything from "I love you because you kiss me goodnight" to "I love you because when I slid the car on ice and almost hit the mailbox, you insisted on making sure I was okay, and then making sure the car was okay, and then parking it for me since I was so shaken up." (<-- actually happened. I was terrified.) This way, we remember all the little things and all the big things. And when we get upset at our bullheaded partners, we can just take a peak at the list and go "Oh yeah... he's not such a butt. He's really a sweetheart just acting like a butt." :)

This has all sorts of potential. It could be made into a DIY gift like this book of cards or maybe like this exploding love box. Both ideas are pretty sweet and would make for a helluva birthday, Christmas, or anniversary present, especially if you don't tell your partner you are keeping this list! A pack of cards can be picked up at Wal-Mart for like, $2, and card stock isn't usually too pricey, either. Hmm...

If you have any ideas on how to expand upon this Why I Love You list and how to make it into an adorable DIY gift, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments section.

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