Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Just Need to Vent

So today while I was sitting at home bored, trolling Facebook like usual, my friend posted a very disturbing status.

I've known this girl since we were freshmen in high school, and like me, she's battled depression on and off for years. She has a history of self harm, and she's been to therapy more than once.

So when she posted something to the effect of, "I got tattoos on my wrists so I wouldn't cut. I am so tempted right now. I just want it all to end." I FLIPPED OUT.

Now, being in Fargo, there's not a whole lot I can do for this girl who's in Texas. I can talk to her, I can offer her support and love from afar... which I did. All my positive-ity and "Just take a nap, sleep this off. I love you. Don't listen to the haters. You are beautiful, you are kind, you are a stronger woman than this. These demons were defeated long ago," peptalks went in one ear and out the other. I'm not even sure she read what I wrote.

So what else could I do? Talking was getting us no where. I remembered earlier today I saw her dad posting comments on one of her pictures... I could message her dad! And her dad will walk down the hallway, to her room, and make SURE she's okay and get her the help she needs. Now.

So that's what I did.

I sent him a message on Facebook, told him about her post, and he responded immediately he would attend to his daughter. He thanked me for telling him, and I knew I made the right choice. My friend would get help. She would be okay. She would realize her dreams of becoming a singer someday. I was still scared... but I was consoled by the fact this would all turn out okay. It had to.

Fifteen minutes later, my friend posts, "Whoever the fuck told my parents what the fuck I do on Facebook needs to mind their own fucking business. I will find out who did this, and I will fucking block you. Friends don't do that fucking low shit."

Fine. So I told her in a private message it was me. And she did block me.

When a person posts on social media a threat like that, it's not a joke. It's not funny. The one time you think it IS a joke, will be the one time it's not.

So, I'm the worlds shittiest friend. Oh well, at least she's alive.
Given the chance to redo the whole situation... I wouldn't have done a damn thing differently.
My conscience is clear.

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