About Me

About me... Q&A style!

Where are you from?: Well, I was born in North Carolina but I try to keep that a secret. I claim Dallas, Texas as my home. 

You say you're short... How short are you really?: Four feet, eleven inches. Almost a little person, but not quite. In some states, I qualify for a handicap placard. 

What are your basic physical features, besides being teeny in height?: Naturally, my hair is brown but I like to dye it darker. I have brown eyes and a round face. I like to think I'm fairly/averagely pretty. I'm not thin, I'm not fat. I get mistaken for being Hispanic quite often and it surprises me every time. I have a lot of Sicilian and German, among other things, in my family tree. Dark eyes and hair, fair skin. People don't peg me for being of Italian ancestry right away because I don't have orange skin and I'm not from Jersey.

What is your favorite food and drink?: My favorite food changes all the time. I like to cook, but I'm still learning, so whatever the most recent thing I master is my favorite! When I go out to eat, though, I like Asian food, sushi, New York style pizza, and buffalo wings. To drink, I LOVE Dr. Pepper or fruit juice. Alcoholic beverages... depends on my mood. Sometimes I like a bit of Jack Daniels in my DP, sometimes I like Cosmo's, and sometimes I just want a Shiner Bock. Recently I've been indulging in a mix drink of my own: citrus vodka, apple-tini mix, sweet 'n' sour mix, and Sprite. I call it a Citrus-tini. It reminds me of summer.

What is your favorite music?: Again, this changes a lot too, but for about the last 4 months it's been consistently techno. I love dance music!

How do you lean, as far as politics go?: I'd rather not elaborate too much, but I will say I tend to be liberal concerning social issues and I tend to be conservative concerning economic and financial issues.

Uh huh, and what about religion?: I'd also prefer not to elaborate too much on this either, but I will say I believe in the Golden Rule, and there is natural energy to be found in all things. I guess you could say I'm also into all that "new age stuff".

Are you single or taken?: I live in Fargo with my boyfriend, and his sister. So taken, and it's quite serious. I mean, I moved 1100 miles for this man!

Cats or dogs?: DOGS! I'm allergic to cats. I have one dog, boyfriend has a dog, and boyfriend's sister has a dog. I've basically adopted boyfriend's dog as my own, so I usually just say I have two dogs and his sister has one. Moto is a mischievous 2 year old male Yorkie, Daisy is a 4 year old beagle/doberman female and stupid as all hell, and Cowboy is his sister's dog; a smooth collie and obviously male. Not sure on his age. He's a herder, through and through. He sees us all as his pack. He treats my boyfriend as the pack leader, and helps corral the other dogs when it's time to come inside from the yard.

What do you do, besides blog, Pinterest, and Facebook?: I work for a living, duh. No seriously, I enjoy playing World of Warcraft. Horde side, baby! I read when I can afford to buy new books. I like fiction and fantasy. 

Well of course you work. What is your job?: Guest services, or front desk, at a hotel. This supplies me with many interesting stories, but it gets super boring when we have no guests arriving. Like many retail or customer-oriented jobs, we have peak times during the day, peak days of the week, and peak months of the year.

Share with us a favorite quote of yours?: Sure. Let's see... There's a few I really like. "Do or do not, there is no try," said by Yoda. "Judge me by my size, do you?" also said by Yoda. "Life's tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid," said by John Wayne... I think. "A woman should be two things: classy, and fabulous," said by Coco Chanel.

Here's some pictures for you people:

Yours truly.


  Daisy, in her bed and wrapped in a blanket.
Note the vacant "derp" expression.

Moto, my little buddy!


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