Wednesday, November 7, 2012


So as much as I want to post about the election... I'll worry about that later. Right now let's talk Fargo VS Dallas!

In Dallas, we start are vehicles up early to let them get nice and warm during the winter. As Texans, we like our nice and warm. Here in Fargo, it's more or less mandatory to start your car up early or it won't drive right. Engines don't run the best when they're cold. And it seems transmissions don't like to shift as quick as usual, either.

Anyway, so I started working  the night shift at my hotel recently and that's been pretty cool. After the audit is complete, we get to pretty much relax and check guests out as necessary. At 7AM, when we're off, the sun is usually just coming up. I got to see the most GORGEOUS sunrise this morning! And as a night owl, sunrises are something I don't often see. I've seen maybe ten sunrises my entire life.

I LOVE this. With the gold and the pink and the blue...
No pollution to skew the colors here. In Dallas,
the smog was always visible. Easy.

And since I'm leaving work at 7AM... Um... it's freakin' cold outside. And everything is covered in dew. No, not dew. Frost.

And, being from Texas and not used to having my winter start before December or January, I don't have an ice scraper in my car. I have one in the garage, sure! Load of good that does me...

So I got to sit. In my car. In the cold. Defroster cranked on high. Letting the frost melt slowly off my windshield and back window. Unfortunately my side windows didn't want to defrost (maybe because I was blowing hot hair on them?) Anyway, I was tired, and cranky, and cold, so I said screw it, I'm driving home with the damn windows down. And I did. On the highway. At 65mph. (10mph over the limit. In Texas.... speedlimits are typically viewed as suggestions! We just keep with the flow of traffic and watch for cops.)

I need to go find that ice scraper and snow brush and keep it in my car, where it's actually helpful! This also makes me think now would be a good time to put together a winter survival kit for my car. Some kitty litter (gives traction when stuck), a blanket, couple water bottles, dry food like Pop Tarts, and some de-icer. I hear de-icer can be made in a spray bottle with 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water. It supposedly won't freeze, and will thaw out the ice. Neat! While keeping a bottle of this in the car would be awesome, I think it would be slightly more useful if it was kept in an old perfume bottle, and inside my purse. What if my door handles are frozen? Load of good de-icer does me if it's INSIDE the frozen car! 

Frost on my windshield. I love that my
dash says "Zoom Zoom" when I get in. :)

If you have any tips, hints, tricks, or secrets about surviving winter, please share. Anything you can tell me about anything winter related is most appreciated! How often should I shovel snow off my driveway? Every few hours or when it stops snowing? Tips for driving on ice/snow besides the obvious "Slow down and be careful"? Quick and filling dinners I can make after work while I'm trying to thaw out my fingers?


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