Friday, December 28, 2012

Goodbye, December

I haven't updated nearly as much as I've wanted to this month, mostly just because December is filled with holidays and I've been busy. :) 

The boyfriend's family is in town from 12/15 until 1/5, so I've had to socialize and be in the living room and not shut up in the office like I'd prefer to be. This has seriously cut in to my time I devote to blogging, Facebooking (I admin a few pages), and WoW. I still don't have a character to 90! My priest is sitting at 89 and probably will until the not-in-law's leave.

Yes, I call them not-in-law's. It's much easier to say than to keep referring to them as "boyfriend' family". Besides, when boyfriend and I lived in Texas, we were 1 step away from a common law marriage; the only requirement we didn't fulfill is introducing each other as husband/wife. We were mistaken for being married many times, to which we always laughed and said "Oh no, see, we like each other!" His family just about might as well be the in-laws. *shudder* Moving on.

As this year draws to a close, I'm starting to reflect back on the past twelve months. I've met new people, made new friends, grown closer to some and distanced myself from others. I've gone through a whopping four jobs! I left a dry cleaner in December of 2011, started at another one in January of 2012 while waiting to complete the long hiring process at a carpet cleaner. I started there in February 2012 and would have stayed there, had we not moved 1200 miles north. That'd be a hell of a commute! :) I now work at a hotel, but will probably leave soon because the pay sucks and I can barely stay afloat. As it is, I'm not contributing to the household at all; I only have enough to cover what's in my name. It sucks. :( And boyfriend's parents keep kindly reminding me that it's unacceptable and I'm a worthless freeloader. Well, maybe not in so many words, but that's how they make me feel. And they wonder why I just lay in bed for hours...

Fargo is continuing to get crazy amounts of snowfall. The roads are a permanent state of "Yes, I'm doing 15 below the limit. Go around!" I say "crazy amounts", which you should interpret as about four inches on the ground at any given time. To them, the Fargo-ans  this is nothing. To me, it's an unprecedented experience. Snow is supposed to disappear in about 2 days... not stick around for weeks. I'm praying for summertime...

Yule, or winter solstice, was also this month, but I didn't get to celebrate it. Practicing my paganism with two extra Type A personalities in the house is just uncomfortable to me. If they didn't ask any questions and just let me do my thing, it'd be fine. But if I so much as wear my pentacle or try to shut myself up in my room for a few hours so I can meditate and try to hold a rite for the sabbat, it's "What's that? Well why do you wear it? Well what's that mean? No, you are NOT burning incense in the house." This is one of many reasons I moved out of my mother's house... I want to practice what I believe in peace, dammit, and not be subjected to endless "Why?" questions, questions where "Because that's how I feel", "because that is what I believe", "because that is what appeals to my heart on a spiritual level" are unacceptable answers because apparently, in this world, only logic is worthwhile.

So, New Years Eve is mine and boyfriend year and a half anniversary. We like celebrating that one, because July 1st is just too hot to do anything. :p But, because his parents are here, we probably won't do anything romantic.

I will be so happy to say goodbye to December... this month has sucked.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Goodbye, Friend

Let me just start with an apology: I try real hard to not drop some "bad" swears in my blogs. I'll say crap, and damn, and hell, and sometimes shit or bitch if it's really necessary. But today, my pride is wounded, and I'm a little scared, and a little alone, and a little shocked, and dammit I'm gonna drop the F-bomb a few times  here. If that offends you... I'm just a little bit sorry. Just a little bit, because I've since warned you and you can choose to not read this if you so desire to not see that word.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dashing Through the... NO!

Around the interwebs, there is a new meme... called Grumpy Cat. I love Grumpy Cat. Why? Because he and I have the same opinion about snow. :)

Grumpy Cat and I BOTH HATE THE SNOW! :)

Everyone here keeps telling me I'm in for a rude awakening, I moved to the wrong state, I better start liking it, etc. Yes I am well aware North Dakota gets a heavy amount of snowfall. Yes, I hate snow. And that's okay. I think everyone is just exaggerating when they say there's six months of winter. I think it's more likely there's about 5 months of winter, 1 month of fall, and 6 months of spring. And those 5 months of winter would be MY defininition of winter... I.E. below 50F. I don't think it would be 5 months of a North Dakotan's idea of winter... I.E. 20F below zero. 

On that note, we're expecting about 6 inches of snow this weekend. Yay... not

And in other news, I think my boyfriend gave me his cold.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness: Let's Get You Home

Being new to Fargo, I can count my friends on one hand. Okay, one finger. That being Boyfriend. So, in an effort to fight my incredible pathetic lonliness, I started using the internet to meet people. I actually scored pretty good when I found Friend. (Yup, no names.). Anyway, Friend and I have been talking for about a month or so and finally decided to meet up at her place for an evening of baking cookies and BSing.

She actually lives over in MN, but because Fargo is walking distance from MN, it wasn't really a big deal. I texted her when I was leaving my house and when I was about 5 minutes away, my GPS lost signal. Craaaaap. Luckily, she chose that moment to call me. The phone conversation when something like this:

Me: Oh hey! Umm I'm lost.
Her: SHIT you already left?
Me: I told you that. Hang on my GPS is talking
Her & my GPS: asiufhpewiourfnasdfn
Me: Yeah I didn't catch that.
Her: I said my friend is drunk and needs a ride home. I'll give you gas money for your trouble coming over here but I gotta go get him.
Me: F--- that. Let's go. Where's he at?
Her: Wait... what?
Me: OH HANG ON I GOT MY GPS SIGNAL BACK-- Crap nevermind. But yeah, I'll figure out where your place is, grab your shoes and purse, and we'll go get your friend. I'm pretty sure if he's as drunk as you say he is, it's gonna take two people to get his drunk ass home and in bed.

So after lots of "What do you see? Well what street are you on? Are you facing north? Did you pass a grocery store?" I realized I was one signal light too far and I was able to flip a U and arrive at her apt. I make too many U-Turns.

So I get there, we meet for the first time, I pretty much adore Friend instantly, and I'm like okay, let's grab your stuff and go get this dude. As she was gathering her keys, he phoned and ended up getting a cab, and I was kind of disappointed. You know me... any excuse to drive my car and I'll take it. :P But really, Friend meant a lot to me and I wanted to make sure her friend was okay.

So next time someone needs a ride home, or someone is drunk, and their friend tries to bail on your plans, just bite the bullet and do it together. Besides, two people will probably be necessary. Have YOU ever tried to drag a drunk person to their bed? Yeah, not an easy one-person job. :) Make the best of a crappy situation.

And for your viewing pleasure....