Thursday, January 3, 2013

Acclimating, And Other News

Oh god.

It's happening.

I went outside for a smoke (I know, shame on me) and was baking cookies so I only had about 9 minutes before the timer would go off. I didn't want to put on all the winter gear, so I settled for my Uggs and a hoodie. Gloves, hat, and jacket be damned. I went outside, tried to get my lighter to work, went inside, grabbed a different lighter, and then went back outside to light my smoke.

And I just kinda looked around my deck, and to the yard below, and thought to myself, "It's really not that bad out here."


Okay, okay, well maybe it was closer to 30. Besides, who in their right mind wouldn't find 30 warm, after experiencing negative 20?

I finished my smoke, and went inside. Pulled the cookies out just in time, and then turned on the weather. And it was 15 degrees outside.

Oh god, I'm acclimating to the cold. Before you know it I'll be one of those weirdos that wears shorts when it's 60!

So that's all I really want to say on  that. The thought kind of freaks me out. I'm used to 100 degree summers and 40 degree winters, and this land is still so strange to me, but it seems like my body is adjusting well. Slowly, but well.

I'd like to backtrack just a bit to the part where I mentioned I was baking cookies.

Yes, I, little Melissa, have learned how to bake cookies. From scratch. Without a box. Without burning anything (including myself). I consider this a major achievement! I've never been able to bake ANYTHING before. I could kinda bake things out of a box but they never seemed to come out totally right. I'd follow the directions perfectly, and yet either the cookies would fall flat, or the cake would be too spongey, or the fudge wouldn't harden right, or SOMETHING. But on Christmas eve, I called my mom and said "Okay, we're gonna do this. Come hell or high water!" And we did it. :) My mom taught me how to bake from 1100 miles away. How badass is she?

On that note, I need a cookie.

In case you haven't quite noticed, cookies are my favorite. And now that I know how to make them.... Well, I probably should have asked for a treadmill for Christmas!

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